Zip Code Of Gyeonggi Do South Korea
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 37.382698, 127.118904.
Gyeonggi-do/경기 (South Korea) Postcodes (8206 items). Gyeonggi-do/경기 GPS coordinates: 37.383,127.087.
Bundang-gu is one of the largest and the most lively districts of Seongnam-city, which is a part of the capital area of Seoul in the province of Gyeonggi, situated in the northern part of South Korea. Despite being located quite far away from the capital city center, Bundang is a business and commercial district, with a great deal of office centers and other facilities for business, including the headquarters of the world's most known IT and technology companies like Samsung, Techwin, Nexon, KakaoTalk, etc situated there. It is possible to find a great number of tourist attractions in the district as well, including Bundang Central Park, St. John's Cathedral, Bundang Museum of Nature, Yuldong Park, Seongnam Cultural Center, and many more.
Bundang-gu is one of the most modern and the most luxurious parts of the capital city. It is a planned community, with plenty of expensive condos and apartment blocks located all around there. Geographically, the district is situated very close to the richest and the most popular district of Seoul, the district of Gangnam, and the two parts of the capital city are well connected by metro and other transportation links. However, the district of Bundang has more area given to the residential blocks comparing to the district of Gangnam. Bundang-gu is famous for its wonderful modern facilities and amenities, including a few great schools, a university and a large modern hospital, Seoul National University Hospital, etc.
Where is Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea on Map?
Road map of Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea shows where the location is placed.
Satellite Map of Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea
Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea Lat Long Coordinates Info
The latitude of Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea is 37.382698,and the longitude is 127.118904.Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea is located at South Korea country in the Districts place category with the gps coordinates of 37째 22' 57.7128' N and 127째 7' 8.0544' E.
Best Answer: Go on the korean website for post office zip code finder. It give s u all the adddresses and the zip codes for everything in korea what u are looking for. Home for korea post is this website will give u exact zip code that u are looking for but it is in english. Your problem is so easy to solve once u have dong.Please include Dong so I can get the correct zip code next time. There are many dongs for what u are looking for.For metropolitain is Gyeonggi. Then go under Goyang-si for city with city name.There are like a couple cities that fit this. The Cities are 1.
Jul 04, 2009 Seoul -Neunggok, Goyang, Gyeonggi. Can I know the zip code of them? Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do(Seoul Korea). What is zip code of seoul,south korea? Postcode ZIP code Seongnam - Bundang, South Korea - GeoPostcodes Postal code - ZIP codes. Download zipcodes listing by countries. Buy postcodes of the world. International zip code database. PIN codes list.
IlsanSeo-gu, Goyang-si 2. IlsanDong-gu, Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do 3.
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Sender Kim, Chul-soo 8, Sejong-ro,Jongno-ku, Seoul 100-806 Receiver Lee, Young-hee No. 301, Junsung building, 21, Choongmu-ro Seoul 100-860 Another example of right address is Naegok-dong Deokyang-gu, Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do(Seoul 412-260 Korea) Examples of writing down postal codes in wrong manners Ex.1) Postal code is written above the address: 151-882 Shillim 3 dong, Kwanak-ku, Seoul Ex.2) Postal code is written right next to the address: 151-882, 646, Shillim-dong Ex.3) Numbers of postal code are hard to read: Error in the reading by the automatic postal sorting device Please add me to your contacts if u need further help. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed.
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